NIH does not prohibit travel for traninees. The funds must be available for the trainee to travel. See below:
Trainee travel to attend scientific meetings and workshops that the institution determines to be necessary for the individual’s research training experience is an allowable trainee expense. Funds may not be expended to cover the costs of travel between the trainee’s place of residence and the training institution, except that the grantee organization may authorize a one-way travel allowance in an individual case of extreme hardship. Amounts for trainee travel are not uniform throughout the NIH. Trainees must be appointed to this training program at the time of actual travel for this to be an allowable cost.
Trainee travel to attend scientific meetings and workshops that the institution determines to be necessary for the individual’s research training experience is an allowable trainee expense. Funds may not be expended to cover the costs of travel between the trainee’s place of residence and the training institution, except that the grantee organization may authorize a one-way travel allowance in an individual case of extreme hardship. Amounts for trainee travel are not uniform throughout the NIH. Trainees must be appointed to this training program at the time of actual travel for this to be an allowable cost.
International Trainee Travel
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