Had an issue with printing the RR_SF424_0-V2.0 under S2S tab for Opportunity ID RFA-RM-16-006. The original sponsor code used under Proposal tab was National institute of Dental and craniofacial research. When I went to print the RR_SF424_0-V2.0 it would error. When I changed it to NIH the form page populated. Could you see why this happened?
In general, please use NIH (Sponsor Code 000002) for NEW NIH proposals to avoid this problem in the future. When appropriate, use the Assignment Request Form to request that the proposal be considered by a specific NIH Institute.
The Funding Opportunity Announcement lists the Participating Organization(s) and “Components of Participating Organizations” for a given opportunity. Be sure that the institute that you want is listed. In your particular case, only the NIH itself (and no specific institutes) were listed, resulting in the error.